Removable Appliances
We offer a full range of custom appliances in many different custom colours upon request.
Hawley, Spring Aligner, Essix, Bite Plate, Flipper (Essix or Acrylic), Tongue Thrust, Thumb Sucking and Sleep Apnea (Anti Snoring).

Fixed Appliances
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Bonded Lingual Retainers, Lingual Arch, Band & Loop, Nance Holding Arch, Transpalatal, Tongue Thrust, Thumb Sucking and Custom.
Functional Appliances
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Herbst, MARA, Twin Block (Phase 1&2), Bionator, Positioner, Rick-A-Nator, Frankel and Custom.

Expansion / Distalizing Appliances
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Full / Partial Expanders, Sagittal, Banded / Bonded Hyrax, Superscrew, Distal Jet, Pendex, Pendulum, Quad Helix, Distalizing Arch and Custom.
Bruxing / Athletics
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Bruxing Guards 9Night and Day)
Themoplastic, Hard Acrylic, B-Splints, GELB, Tanner, Repositioning, Talon and Custom.
Sport Guards
Proform, Standard Vinyl, Multi Colours, Boxing and Custom.


Records / Articulation
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Study Models (Physical or Virtual), Work Models, Mounting (Sam/Denar Articulators), Facebow Transfers and Custom.
Indirect Bonding
All appliances can be customized to Doctor’s preferences. ​
Interactive Digital Set Up, Placing Bracket of Your Choice or Supplied Brackets by Caley, Customized, Template for Placement, Custom Trays and Supply Elastics.